Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ron Finch - Kelowna -Your Secret is not Safe With Me

Sorry everyone, I know you would prefer that the rest of Canada did not know about Kelowna, but when I go back to Edmonton, and talk to my old friends, I can’t help this huge grin on my face.

With very little prodding, I spill the beans. Don’t get me wrong, Edmonton is a great place to live, for six months of the year. But in Kelowna, we have all the amenities, great climate, no daily traffic jams, and if in any way, our short, mild winter is an inconvenience, wow, we are only an hour away from fabulous ski resorts.

In August of this year, I moved my family here and started a new business unique to the area. Liquid Capital Solutions Okanagan offers small and medium size businesses financial support, based on their Accounts Receivables, also known as “Factoring”. I will explain the benefits of turning your outstanding invoices into instant cash flow, in subsequent articles, but first I would like to introduce myself. I know that, before I consider doing business with anyone, I want to know his or her history and character.

Ron Finch – Business History: I spent the last 28 years in the Chemical Distribution Industry as a Technical Sales Representative calling on Refineries, Mines and Pulp Mills. The ultimate responsibility for these large accounts included Accounts Receivable. I learned, over many years, how crucial cash flow is to a company's growth or even survival. Previously, I had 10 rewarding years as a High School Math Teacher

Personal History: I attended the University of Alberta, Edmonton, receiving BSc. and BEd. degrees. I was drafted by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the CFL, but hopes of an extended career was cut short by a severe knee injury. While recuperating in hospital, I began painting in oils. I returned to Edmonton to begin my teaching career. This included coaching High School Football and Basketball, and minor Hockey. Stu Hart of Stampede Wrestling approached me to join the circuit on weekends. I retired from “wraslin” after three years to pursue artistic endeavours and began showing Water Colour Paintings in galleries in western Canada. I am a Past President of the Federation of Canadian Artists, Edmonton Chapter.

Interests: Other than the art, I enjoy Golf, Skiing, and just recently, Tae Kwon Do.

As I have experienced life, I have learned that there are no things more important than relationships. My wife Lynne and I, have two terrific grown sons, Corey & Regan, who are still in Edmonton. We are “encouraging” them to follow us. With us is our lovely daughter Kassidy who we were fortunate enough to adopt in 2000, from the Province on Anhui, in China.

So, it is our sincere intention to make good friends here in Kelowna, but once again, I apologize, I just can’t keep the secret.
Ron Finch
Factoring Kelowna BC
Liquid Capital Solutions Okanagan
250 469 9606
250 826 8446 (cell)
866 999 0943 (toll free)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Financial Challenges our Clients are Facing in Kelowna

ECONOMIC DOWNTURNS can result in their customer’s inability to pay immediately upon receipt of goods or services. Many customers are now demanding terms exceeding 30 days, in some cases as much as 120 days are expected.

RAPID GROWTH that exceeds cash on hand. By that I mean that typically lending institutions will fund based on last year’s balance sheet, but that may be far short of this year’s expectations.

UNEXPECTED EXPENSES that exceed ability to pay. For example, machines can break down at the worst of times, causing costs in repair, and costs in down time.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE when opportunities arise, but bank funding can take weeks, even months, to be authorized, when FACTORING can be arranged in days.

COLLECTION CONCERNS Many business owners, especially the less established ones, lack the desire and in many cases, the skills to do professional collection calls.
Ron Finch

Factoring Kelowna BC
Liquid Capital Solutions Okanagan
250 469 9606
250 826 8446 (cell)
866 999 0943 (toll free)